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Enhancing Computational Thinking with Spreadsheet and Fractal Geometry: Part 1

by K. P. Soman, Manu Unni V.g, Praveen Krishnan, V. Sowmya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: K. P. Soman, Manu Unni V.g, Praveen Krishnan, V. Sowmya

K. P. Soman, Manu Unni V.g, Praveen Krishnan, V. Sowmya . Enhancing Computational Thinking with Spreadsheet and Fractal Geometry: Part 1. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 14 ( October 2012), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/8820-2741

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For most primary and high school level students, computer is a game-playing tool. They might have taught word processing and PowerPoint presentation tool and very basic spreadsheet usage for computing, but, one of the essential skill required for survival in modern technological society is "Computational thinking" that combines power of human intelligence and computing agents for solving complex problems facing the society. It is found that this skill is not imparted to the primary and high school level students. In this context, the concept of computational thinking, its need and the attempts that are being made world over to impart this skill at various levels of education is discussed in the part -1 (out of four) of this article. It is proposed that concept of fractal and its implementation in spreadsheet can be one of the starting points at high school level to induce students into computational thinking. Also it is shown how to create various kinds of fractals in spreadsheets without using any programming. Different fractals require different computational strategies to implement in a spreadsheet. It is hypothesized that practice in the development of such strategies improve the 'abstraction' and computational thinking capabilities of the students.

  1. Gander,W. (2011),public lecture, www. math. hkbu. edu. hk/PL/photo/12May11/, www. inf. ethz. ch/personal/gander/talks/compthink. pdf. Accessed 22 July 2012.
  2. Jeannette, M. ,(2006), Wing, "Computational Thinking", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 33–35.
  3. Cuny,J. , Snyder, L. , and Jeannette M. Wing, "Demystifying Computational Thinking for Non-Computer Scientists", work in progress (2010)
  4. "Report of a Workshop on the Scope and Nature of Computational Thinking", National Research Council, 2010 (www8. nationalacademies. org/cp/projectview. aspx?key=48969)
  5. Barr, V. , and Stephenson, C. , "Bringing Computational Thinking T o K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community?" http://csta. acm. org/Curriculum/sub/CurrFiles/LLCTArticle. pdf. Accessed 20 July 2012
  6. "CT Implementation Matrix" , downloadable at http://csta. acm. org/Curriculum/sub/CurrFiles/CTMatrix. pdf. Accessed 20July 2012.
  7. Good, J. , Romero, P. , Boulay, B, du, Reid, H. , Howland, K. , Robertson, J. , "An Embodied Interface for Teaching Computational Thinking", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Canary Islands, Spain, 2008
  8. Basawapatna, A. , Koh, K. , H. , (2011), Alexander Repenning, "Recognizing Computational Thinking Patterns", SIGCSE '11 Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, Dallas, TX USA .
  9. Repenning, A. , Webb, D. , Ioannidou, A. , "Scalable Game Design and the Development of a Checklist for Getting Computational Thinking into Public Schools", SIGCSE '10 Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education , Milwaukee, WI USA, 2010.
  10. "Computational thinking across the curriculum: A conceptual Framework", compthink. cs. depaul. edu/Framework. pdf. Accessed 25july 2012.
  11. Phillips, P. , "Computational Thinking : A Problem-Solving Tool for Every Class room" , available at http://eucation. sdsc. edu/resources/CompThinking. pdf. Accessed 23 July 2012
  12. "ComPASS: Computing Principles for All Students success" http://education. sdsc. edu/ compass. html. Accessed on 25 july 2012
  13. Barnsley, M, F. , " Fractals Everywhere" , Academic ' Press Professional, Inc. San Diego, USA, 1988.
  14. http://classes. yale. edu/fractals/IntroToFrac/InvProb/InvProbExa mples. html. Accessed 26 July 2012.
  15. www. google. com/edu/computational-thinking, Accessed 26 July 2012.
  16. http://www. iste. org/learn/computational- thinking/computational-thinking_toolkit. aspx, Accessed 26 July 2012. Appendix Miscellaneous websites
  17. A computational science authoring tool: scalablegamedesign. cs. colorado. edu
  18. Computer science for fun: www. cs4fn. org/
  19. Teach computational concepts without a computer: www. ncwit. org/unplugged
  20. The primary resource for all CS teachers: csta. acm. org/
  21. Computer science Unplugged: csunplugged. com/
  22. Easy to learn programming for children: scratch. mit. edu/
  23. Galileo 's Experiments: www. pbs. org/wgbh/nova/galileo/
  24. Geology Labs and Earth quake Simulations: nemo. sciencecourseware. org/
  25. US National Computational Science Institute Resources for teachers and students computationalscience. org
  26. Understanding Science through Computing. A Web site from the U. S. Department of Energy : ascr-iscovery. science. doe. gov/
  27. Science Animations , Movies , and Interactive Tutorials . An extensive list from dozens of sources:nhscience. lonestar. edu/biol/animatio. htm
  28. Information age education http://iae- pedia. org/Computational_Thinking
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computational Thinking Fractal Geometry Iterative thinking Chaos game