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Extraction of Texture Information from Fuzzy Run Length Matrix

by Y. Venkateswarlu, B. Sujatha, V. Vijaya Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Y. Venkateswarlu, B. Sujatha, V. Vijaya Kumar

Y. Venkateswarlu, B. Sujatha, V. Vijaya Kumar . Extraction of Texture Information from Fuzzy Run Length Matrix. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 1 ( October 2012), 36-41. DOI=10.5120/8722-2594

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%A V. Vijaya Kumar
%T Extraction of Texture Information from Fuzzy Run Length Matrix
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For a precise texture classification and analysis, a run length matrix is constructed on the Local Binary pattern using fuzzy principles in the present paper. The proposed Run Length Matrix on Fuzzy LBP (RLM-FLBP) overcomes the disadvantages of the previous run length methods of texture classification that exist in the literature. LBP is a widely used tool for texture classification based on local features. The LBP does not provide greater amount of discriminate information of the local structure and it has a various other disadvantages. The main disadvantage of LBP is, that it compares the centre pixel value with its neighbors to derive the one of the three possible values {0, 1, 2}. The basic drawback of this comparison is that it is very sensitive to noise. And a major contrast between the central pixel and its surroundings are easily resulted by the slight fluctuations above or below the value of the Centre Pixel (CP) and its surroundings. To overcome this problem and to represent the missing local information effectively in the LBP, the present study introduced the concept of fuzzy logic on LBP. This overcomes the problem related to noise and contrast. The proposed method initially converts the 3×3 neighborhood in to fuzzy LBP. In the second stage the proposed method constructs the Run Length Matrix on Fuzzy LBP (RLM-FLBP). On these RLM-FLBP texture features are evaluated for a precise texture classification.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Run Length Matrix Fuzzy LBP Centre Pixel Local Structure