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DHM an Aid for Virtual Ergonomics of Manufacturing Shop Floor: A Review with Reference to Industrially Developing Countries

by Sanjog J., S. Karmakar, T. Patel, A. Chowdhury
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 54 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sanjog J., S. Karmakar, T. Patel, A. Chowdhury

Sanjog J., S. Karmakar, T. Patel, A. Chowdhury . DHM an Aid for Virtual Ergonomics of Manufacturing Shop Floor: A Review with Reference to Industrially Developing Countries. International Journal of Computer Applications. 54, 14 ( September 2012), 18-23. DOI=10.5120/8634-2541

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Manufacturing strategies adopted by majority of industries in third world/industrially developing countries especially in India and China are still far from world class practices. Competition due to entry of multinational companies is forcing them to turn their attention to seek improvements for long term survival and associated benefits. Ergonomics, more specifically computer aided ergonomics finds a low level of acceptance in manufacturing industries and thus results in poorly designed work system/place, low productivity and prevalence of musculoskeletal problems in industrial workforce. Taking these facts into consideration an effort has been made through extensive literature review to highlight relevance of digital Human Modeling Software (DHMS) as a tool for evaluating, improving existing/ proposed manufacturing workstation/ workplace, and its associated tasks. Attempt has also been made to encourage manufacturing industries (including small and medium scale industries that are unaware of this technology) in developing countries to focus their attention towards this exceptionally useful tool for their betterment. It is strongly recommended that industrial/ production engineers can certainly without any doubt advocate use of DHM as an indispensible tool for developing human centered manufacturing work station/ workplace and harness its benefits.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


computer aided ergonomics digital human modeling manufacturing industrially developing countries