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An Efficient VLSI Architecture for FIR Filter using Computation Sharing Multiplier

by Thamizharasan .v, Parthipan.v
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 54 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Thamizharasan .v, Parthipan.v

Thamizharasan .v, Parthipan.v . An Efficient VLSI Architecture for FIR Filter using Computation Sharing Multiplier. International Journal of Computer Applications. 54, 14 ( September 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/8631-1939

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title = { An Efficient VLSI Architecture for FIR Filter using Computation Sharing Multiplier },
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%T An Efficient VLSI Architecture for FIR Filter using Computation Sharing Multiplier
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Recent advances in mobile computing and multimedia applications demand high-performance and low-power VLSI digital signal processing (DSP) systems. One of the most widely used operations in DSP is finite-impulse response (FIR) filtering. In the existing method FIR filter is designed using array multiplier, which is having higher delay and power dissipation. The proposed method presents a programmable digital finite impulse response (FIR) filter for high-performance applications. The architecture is based on a computation sharing multiplier (CSHM) which specifically doing add and shift operation and also targets computation re-use in vector-scalar products. CSHM multiplier can be implemented by Carry Select Adder which is a high speed adder. A Carry-Select Adder (CSA) can be implemented by using single ripple carry adder and add-one circuits using the fast all-one finding circuit and low-delay multiplexers to reduce the area and accelerate the speed of CSA. An 4-tap programmable FIR filter was implemented in tanner EDA tool using CMOS 180nm technology based on the proposed CSHM technique. By adopting the proposed method for the design of FIR filter, the delay is reduced to about 43. 2% in comparison with the existing method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computation sharing dual transition skewed logic programmable finite impulse response (FIR) filter.