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Detection and Counting of Red Blood Cells in Blood Cell Images using Hough Transform

by Mausumi Maitra, Rahul Kumar Gupta, Manali Mukherjee
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 53 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Mausumi Maitra, Rahul Kumar Gupta, Manali Mukherjee

Mausumi Maitra, Rahul Kumar Gupta, Manali Mukherjee . Detection and Counting of Red Blood Cells in Blood Cell Images using Hough Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 53, 16 ( September 2012), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/8505-2274

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title = { Detection and Counting of Red Blood Cells in Blood Cell Images using Hough Transform },
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%A Manali Mukherjee
%T Detection and Counting of Red Blood Cells in Blood Cell Images using Hough Transform
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Counting of red blood cells (rbc) in blood cell images is very important to detect as well as to follow the process of treatment of many diseases like anaemia, leukaemia etc. However, locating, identifying and counting of -red blood cells manually are tedious and time-consuming that could be simplified by means of automatic analysis, in which segmentation is a crucial step. In this paper, we present an approach to automatic segmentation and counting of red blood cells in microscopic blood cell images using Hough Transform. Detection and counting of rbc have been done on five microscopic images and finally discussion has been made by comparing the results achieved by the proposed method and the conventional manual counting method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Segmentation Detection Red Blood Cell Counting Hough Transform