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Quality of Service Evaluation of SaaS Modeler (Cloudlet) running on Virtual Cloud computing Environment using CloudSim

by Pradeep Singh Rawat, G. P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 53 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Pradeep Singh Rawat, G. P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal

Pradeep Singh Rawat, G. P. Saroha, Varun Barthwal . Quality of Service Evaluation of SaaS Modeler (Cloudlet) running on Virtual Cloud computing Environment using CloudSim. International Journal of Computer Applications. 53, 13 ( September 2012), 35-38. DOI=10.5120/8484-2424

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%A G. P. Saroha
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%T Quality of Service Evaluation of SaaS Modeler (Cloudlet) running on Virtual Cloud computing Environment using CloudSim
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Internet based computation is the demand of present IT infrastructure. All computational operations are handled by the network of networks. Internet based computing i. e. cloud computing is the best alternative for handling the IT resources and use IT as a service. To increase the server utilization from 15% to 60% utility computing stands for reply. Best way to understand the functionality of Cloud Computing is cloud simulation tool. Cloud simulation tool provide the test bed to understand the association of cloud entity and event. Tool provides the sustainable, fault tolerant environment for experimental evaluation of cloud based application like social sites and scientific work flow. Using simulation tool we can find out the finish time taken by the SaaS modeler to run over the virtual machine using resource provisioning algorithm i. e. time shared and space shared at each level. We follow the basic layered architecture of Cloud Computing.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloudsim MIPS gridlet Virtual machine Data center Simulation SaaS PaaS IaaS VM