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Fuzzy PID Control for Networked Control System of DC Motor with Random Design

by Kota Bala Murali Krishna, B.v.s. Goud
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Kota Bala Murali Krishna, B.v.s. Goud

Kota Bala Murali Krishna, B.v.s. Goud . Fuzzy PID Control for Networked Control System of DC Motor with Random Design. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 7 ( August 2012), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/8215-1635

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Separately excited DC motor speed can be controlled using PID controller and fuzzy logic controller. The proportional, integral and derivate (KP, KI, KD) gains of the PID controller are adjusted according to FUZZY LOGIC. First, the fuzzy logic controller is designed according to fuzzy rules so that the systems are fundamentally robust. There are 25 fuzzy rules for self-tuning of each parameter of PID controller. The FLC has two inputs. One is the motor speed error between the reference and actual speed and the second is change in speed error (speed error derivative). Secondly, the output of the FLC i. e. the parameters of PID controller are used to control the speed of the separately excited DC Motor. The study shows that both precise characters of PID controllers and flexible characters of fuzzy controller are present in fuzzy self-tuning PID controller. The fuzzy self-tuning approach implemented on a conventional PID structure was able to improve the dynamic as well as the static response of the system. Comparison between the conventional output and the fuzzy self-tuning output was done on the basis of the simulation result obtained by MATLAB. The simulation results demonstrate that the designed self-tuned PID controller realize a good dynamic behavior of the DC motor, a perfect speed tracking with less rise and settling time, minimum overshoot, minimum steady state error and give better performance compared to conventional PID controller.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fuzzy PID