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Efforts Estimation by combining the Use Case Point and COCOMO

by Chetan Nagar, Anurag Dixit
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Chetan Nagar, Anurag Dixit

Chetan Nagar, Anurag Dixit . Efforts Estimation by combining the Use Case Point and COCOMO. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 7 ( August 2012), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/8211-1624

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title = { Efforts Estimation by combining the Use Case Point and COCOMO },
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Software efforts estimation is tedious task for every software industry. Many software efforts estimation models are invented to make efforts estimation accurate. Unfortunately no model is suitable for all kind of software industries. This paper used Use Case method for efforts estimation for a small software company. For many projects we have not got good results. These papers modify Use Case Point and apply on same project of same company and we have got some better result. This paper modify the method Jorgensen has described 12 expert-based best practices, one of the best practices said that combine estimates from different experts and estimation strategies [2]. It is always suggested that we must use more than one method for estimation, but there is no model is exits which support this concept. This paper combines the Use Case point and COCOMO. We are predicting the Line of Code with the help of Use Cases. Use Case used in the method must be more specific not more generalized . More recently; the use of Use Cases for software effort estimation has gained wide popularity. Researchers from academia as well as industry have shown interest in the Use Case based approaches because of the promising results obtained along with their early applicability A strong monitoring policy is always required to make estimation as a success . We have to make a check list with the date of completion and must follow the checklist. If work is not done on the time some necessary action must be taken to compensate the deviation [14].

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  9. Roger E Masse "An Analysis of the Evolution of COCOMO and Function Points "University of Maryland, July, 1997.
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  12. Gray, A. R. ; MacDonell, S. G. ; Shepperd, M. J "Factors systematically associated with errors in subjective estimates of software development effort: the stability of expert judgment", Software Metrics Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International IssueDate: 1999 On page(s): 216 – 227.
  13. Orgensen, M:" Practical guidelines for expert-judgment-based software effort estimation" Software, IEEE Issue Date: May-June 2005 Volume: 22 Issue:3 On page(s): 57 – 63.
  14. Chetan Nagar and Dr Anurag Dixit, "Software Project Management with Control Based Monitoring" International Journal of Advances in Science & Technology, October-2011, volume 3 No 4.
  15. M. M. Ochodek, J. Nawrocki , K. Kwarciak "Simplifying effort estimation based on Use Case Points" , Journal Information and Software Technology Volume 53 Issue 3, March, 2011 , Butterworth-Heinemann Newton, MA, USA.
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  17. B. Boehm. Software Engineering Economics. Prentice Hall, 1981
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


KLOC (Kilo Line of Code) . UCP (Use Case Point) FP (Function Point) these are all unit of software size. Software Efforts estimation Person-month Person-Hours these are units of efforts