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An IPM-CFAPSO based Hybrid Method for Multiple Objective Minimizations using TCPS

by M. Balasubba Reddy, Y. P. Obulesh, S. Sivanaga Raju
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: M. Balasubba Reddy, Y. P. Obulesh, S. Sivanaga Raju

M. Balasubba Reddy, Y. P. Obulesh, S. Sivanaga Raju . An IPM-CFAPSO based Hybrid Method for Multiple Objective Minimizations using TCPS. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 5 ( August 2012), 4-11. DOI=10.5120/8196-1583

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This paper presents an Interior Pont Method (IPM) and variant of Particle Swarm Optimization (CFAPSO) based hybrid method to solve optimal power flow in power system incorpo-rating Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) such as Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifter (TCPS) for minimization of multiple objectives. The proposed IPM-CFAPSO algorithm identifies the optimal values of generator active-power output and the adjustment of reactive power control devices. The proposed optimization process with IPM-CFAPSO is pre-sented with case study example using IEEE 30-bus test system to demonstrate its applicability. The results are presented to show the feasibility and potential of this new approach.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Optimal power flow Constriction Factor Approach Particle Swarm Optimization Flexible AC Transmission TCPS