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Model Checking BRS based AADL Specification

by Nadira Benlahrache, Faiza Belala, Taha A. Cherfia
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Nadira Benlahrache, Faiza Belala, Taha A. Cherfia

Nadira Benlahrache, Faiza Belala, Taha A. Cherfia . Model Checking BRS based AADL Specification. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 21 ( August 2012), 43-52. DOI=10.5120/8338-1955

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%A Faiza Belala
%A Taha A. Cherfia
%T Model Checking BRS based AADL Specification
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Although the architecture description language AADL differs from other ADLs by its possibility to describe both hardware and software aspects of a system, it does not provide a formal notation for describing the deployment operation which is crucial in systems where hardware and software components are tightly coupled such as embedded systems. In this paper, we show the relevance of bigraphical reactive systems (BRS) to formalize the deployment operation of AADL architectures. The proposed approach allows, firstly a formal description of the two structures of AADL architectures, namely the platform and the application scenario, and secondly a natural modelization of the installation and the reconfiguration of AADL specification thanks to composition and transformaton operations of BRS. To validate the obtained model, we use a model checker dedicated to BRS.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Architecture language bigraphs BRS installation reconfiguration