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Design and Development of Attribute Dependency Analysis Tool for Concurrent Engineering

by T. Devi, G. Backiya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: T. Devi, G. Backiya

T. Devi, G. Backiya . Design and Development of Attribute Dependency Analysis Tool for Concurrent Engineering. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 20 ( August 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/8322-0050

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Management of the Product Introduction (PI) process for a large / complex product involves management at various levels of hierarchy and requires the co-operation of groups of people from different disciplines, often distributed in different geographical locations. The product introduction project is a process of gradually building up the right information and linking up the activities with required skills so that the project can meet its targets. Effective communication is one of the prerequisites for successful control of the PI process. Providing appropriate process / product information to the project groups as soon as it is available will allow them to get an early start in activities that are critical to a successful product release. The pursuit of reduced product development cycle time is likely to be sufficiently important to make communication acceleration an important information processing function. In order to accelerate the communication of information among activities, it is necessary to identify the dependencies among input information and output information classes / attributes of activities. Also, if the impact of change in an attribute value on its dependent attributes is known then the management and control of overall Product Introduction Process would be better. This paper is concerned with studying the process management techniques, analysing dependencies among the information, identifying the concepts to represent the dependencies, algorithm to identify the impact of change in a dependent attribute value when the source attribute value changes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Concurrent Engineering Communication Acceleration Attribute Dependency