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CIDT: Detection of Malicious Code Injection Attacks on Web Application

by Atul S. Choudhary, M. L. Dhore
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Atul S. Choudhary, M. L. Dhore

Atul S. Choudhary, M. L. Dhore . CIDT: Detection of Malicious Code Injection Attacks on Web Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 2 ( August 2012), 19-26. DOI=10.5120/8174-1493

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Security is one of the major concerns in communication networks and other online Internet based services, which are becoming pervasive in all kinds of domains like business, government, and society. Network security involves activities that all organizations, enterprises, and institutions undertake to protect the value and usability of their assets and to maintain the integrity and continuity of operations that are performed at their end. Network security exists on all the different layers of an OSI model, Application-level web security comes at the application layer and it refers to vulnerabilities inherent in the code of a web-application itself irrespective of the technologies in which it is implemented. Security in web applications is becoming very important because of the real time transactions that are required over the internet these days. Various attacks are carried out on the web applications and behind every attack; there is vulnerability of some types or the other. Now-a-days application-level vulnerabilities have been exploited with serious consequences: E-commerce sites are tricked by attackers and they lead into shipping goods for no charge, usernames and passwords have been cracked, and confidential and important credentials of users have been leaked. SQL Injection attacks and Cross-Site Scripting attacks are the two most common attacks on web application. Proposed method is a new policy based Proxy Agent, which classifies the request as a scripted request, or query based request, and then, detects the respective type of attack, if any in the request. This method detects both SQL injection attack as well as the Cross-Site Scripting attacks.

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  15. Rattipong Putthacharoen, Pratheep Bunyatnoparat, "Protecting Cookies from Cross Site Script Attacks Using Dynamic Cookies Rewriting Technique", ICACT 2011 pp 1090-1094.
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  18. Peter Wurzinger, Christian Platzer, Christian Ludl, Engin Kirda, and Christopher Kruegelk, "SWAP: Mitigating XSS Attacks using a Reverse Proxy" SESS'09, May 19, 2009 pp 33-39, Vancouver, Canada, 2009 IEEE.
  19. Engin Kirda, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, and Nenad Jovanovic, "Noxes: A Client-Side Solution for Mitigating XSS Attacks", SAC'06 April 23-27, 2006 pp 33-39, Dijon, France.
  20. "Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)", www. OSWAP. Org".
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  22. Chris Palmer "Secure Session Management with Cookies for Web Applications", iSEC Partners, Inc San Francisco, Version 1. 1, Sept 10 2008.
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  25. Paul Johnston, "Authentication and Session Management on the web" GIAC Security Essentials Certification Practical Assignment Version 1. 4b, 24 Nov, 2004.
  26. Pattern Matching using Regular Expression, www. dotnetpearl. com.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Code Injection SQL Injection Cross Site Scripting HTTP Protocol