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Reseach Article

High Scalability of HDFS using Distributed Namespace

by Harcharan Jit Singh, V. P. Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Harcharan Jit Singh, V. P. Singh

Harcharan Jit Singh, V. P. Singh . High Scalability of HDFS using Distributed Namespace. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 17 ( August 2012), 30-37. DOI=10.5120/8297-1860

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title = { High Scalability of HDFS using Distributed Namespace },
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%A Harcharan Jit Singh
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%T High Scalability of HDFS using Distributed Namespace
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In data intensive computing, Hadoop is widely used by organizations. The client applications of Hadoop require high availability and scalability of the system. Mostly, these applications are online and their data growth rate is unpredictable. The present Hadoop relies on secondary namenode for failover which slows down the performance of the system. Hadoop system's scalability depends on the vertical scalability of namenode server. As the namespace of Hadoop distributed file system grows, it demands additional memory to cache. A namenode server does not have enough primary memory to cache the namespace, its performance and availability effects. A new Hadoop architecture has been proposed to address the issues of namenode scalability, single point of failure and availability of Hadoop. This approach is based on distribution of namespace using distributed hash tables. The growing size of namespace of HDFS is distributed into multiple name node servers. The proposed architecture of Hadoop is simulated by using the multiple name node servers. The name node are arranges in chord ring. This allows HDFS to scale up horizontally. The system provides decartelize managed approach for namespace distribution which gives consistent performance. The results of HDFS namespace to store 1 billion or above files are discussed in this research work. The proposed architecture has shown high availability and adapts to name node failure.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


HDFS Hadoop Chord Namespace namenode datanode