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Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Praseodymium Samarium Doped Novel Magnesium Ferrite

by Vasant Naidu, C. Balakumar, S. Gnana Selvan, C. Kailasanathan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 52 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Vasant Naidu, C. Balakumar, S. Gnana Selvan, C. Kailasanathan

Vasant Naidu, C. Balakumar, S. Gnana Selvan, C. Kailasanathan . Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Praseodymium Samarium Doped Novel Magnesium Ferrite. International Journal of Computer Applications. 52, 14 ( August 2012), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/8272-1843

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The Praseodymium, Samarium doped novel Magnesium ferrite (Mg Prx Smy Fe2-x-y O4) was prepared by sol gel route and sintered in a microwave furnace. The nano size, structure and composition of Pr and Sm doped Magnesium ferrite ceramics was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and confirmed by SEM monographs. The elemental conformation was done by EDAX. The hysteresis property of this material was conformed through its hysteresis curves. The permeability of this material was calculated by using the magnetic saturation obtained from the hysteresis curves. The electrical measurements have been performed to determine the dielectric constant (?r), dielectric loss (?r?) and loss tangent in the frequency range of 20KHz - 20MHz. It is also found that the permittivity of these nano materials is being reduced with the increase in frequency.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Pr-Sm doped Mg ferrite Sol gel Electrical and Magnetic studied Studies