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Evaluation of Bending Stress at Fillet Region of an Asymmetric Gear with a Hole as Stress Relieving Feature using a Fea Software Ansys

by Sumit Agrawal, R. L. Himte
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sumit Agrawal, R. L. Himte

Sumit Agrawal, R. L. Himte . Evaluation of Bending Stress at Fillet Region of an Asymmetric Gear with a Hole as Stress Relieving Feature using a Fea Software Ansys. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 8 ( August 2012), 28-33. DOI=10.5120/8064-1450

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title = { Evaluation of Bending Stress at Fillet Region of an Asymmetric Gear with a Hole as Stress Relieving Feature using a Fea Software Ansys },
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%A Sumit Agrawal
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%T Evaluation of Bending Stress at Fillet Region of an Asymmetric Gear with a Hole as Stress Relieving Feature using a Fea Software Ansys
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Gear is a vital and inevitable component in a machine. It is been a subject of research from the very first day of development of gear that, how to minimize gear failure? Many researches have already been done on the improvement of gears' stress carrying capacity. When a pair of gear meshes with each other, failure occurs due to cracks generated at the region of undercut caused by bending stress. Bending stress can be minimized by introducing a stress reliving feature on the gear surface. In few machines like Helicopter and Airplane gears are mainly used for forward rotation. In asymmetric gear one of the curved surfaces where engagement with other gear takes place is kept larger than the not mating curved surface. The curved surface where mating takes place with other gear is called drive surface and the curved surface where mating does not takes place is called coast surface. So, a smaller asymmetric gear transmits same torque transmitted by a larger symmetric gear and thus it is useful for aviation vehicle where weight of the vehicle is very important. In this work the above mentioned fact that, an asymmetric gear transmits same torque transmitted by a larger symmetric gear, has been proved by comparing bending stress carrying capacity by a symmetric gear and an asymmetric gear. The bending stress carrying capacity is calculated in ANSYS by structural analysis of the gear tooth under a given loading condition. The load value and gear geometry parameters have been taken loading condition mentioned in reference [17]. In the present work ANSYS has been used as a FEA software and 3-Dimensional model of the gear geometry has been considered. The bending stress thus found out for symmetric as well as for the asymmetric gear tooth.

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  16. Kapelevich A. L. , "Direct Design Approach for High Performance Gear Transmissions," Gear Solutions, January 2008, 22-31. This article was presented at the Global Powertrain Congress 2007 June 17-19, 2007, Berlin, Germany and published in the Global Powertrain Congress Proceedings, Vol. 39-42, 66-71.
  17. Frederick W. Brown, Scott R. Davidson, David B. Hanes and Dale J. Weires, "Analysis and Testing of Gears with Asymmetric Involute Tooth Form and Optimized Fillet Form for Potential Application in Helicopter Main Drives," American Gear Manufacturing Association's Technical Resource, Document No. 10FTM14, Year 2010.
  18. Dr. Alexander L. Kapelevich, "Measurement of Directly Designed Gears with Symmetric and Asymmetric Teeth," (This paper was first presented at the 2010 VDI International Conference on Gears—VDI Wissensforum). Gear Technology, January/February2011, pp. 60 – 65.
  19. Zahav i Eliahu (1991), 'The Finite Element Method in Machine Design', Prentice Hall.
  20. Maitra G. M. (1996), 'Hand Book of Gear Design', Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2nd edition.
  21. ANSYS (2004), Release 9. 0, SAS IP, ANSYS Inc. U. S. A. , (www. ansys. com).
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Gear Stress FEA Software Ansys