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Enhancing the Quality of Service in MANETs by Improving the Routing Techniques

by Mamatha Balachandra, Prema K V, Krishnamoorthy M
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Mamatha Balachandra, Prema K V, Krishnamoorthy M

Mamatha Balachandra, Prema K V, Krishnamoorthy M . Enhancing the Quality of Service in MANETs by Improving the Routing Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 7 ( August 2012), 25-30. DOI=10.5120/8055-1402

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The aim of this work is to modify the existing MANET reactive Multipath routing protocol Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AOMDV). Since the Route discovery and route maintenance of AOMDV Routing protocol lead to a high number of unsuccessful packet deliveries from the source nodes to the destination nodes during broadcasting, it results in reducing the quality of service support for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. This paper is about the systematic performance study made of existing routing protocol for Ad Hoc networks AOMDV based on QoS parameters delay and packet delivery ratio. Further, a novel Multipath QoS Aware Routing Protocol (MQARP) based on AOMDV is proposed to support delay, jitter and throughput constraints. Simulation using various traffic sources and movement patterns is made and existing version of the protocol is modified. The QoS metrics are measured by varying the pause time, speed and number of nodes. The performance of AOMDV and MQARP are compared using the network simulator. The simulator NS-2. 34 is used to simulate the performance of the metrics.

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  12. The network simulator: ns-2[Online] Available: http:/www. isi. edu/nsnam/ns/index. html.
  13. Tutorial for network Simulator Available: http:/www. isi. edu/nsnam/ns/tutorial.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET QoS AOMDV MQARP throughput jitter delay