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Reseach Article

Distance Learner's Attitude towards Technological Innovations

by Zubia Noreen, Mian Baqar Qureshi, Nuzhat Kalsoom
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Zubia Noreen, Mian Baqar Qureshi, Nuzhat Kalsoom

Zubia Noreen, Mian Baqar Qureshi, Nuzhat Kalsoom . Distance Learner's Attitude towards Technological Innovations. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 22 ( August 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/8339-1254

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In 21st century emerging technologies are sprinkling at extraordinary speed and these innovations have turned this world into a global village. In the field of distance education these innovations have bridged the distance of all learners to a large extent. Technological innovations have great influence on all aspect of our lives personal, professional and educational as well. In the field of education distance learning is a growing trend where there is distance between teacher and student bridged with media, and in this age of science innovative technologies are the best media to cover this gap. This effort was made to point out and discuss the technological innovations in Pakistan and the attitude of distance learners towards it. It was survey study. Population of the study consisted of all departments of education at AIOU. Survey was conducted through questionnaire for MS/M. phil students. The study revealed that majority of the distance learners at MS/Mphil level have positive attitude towards latest technology but they need proper training to be aware of and comprehend the benefits of educational technological innovations so the study recommended that for the easy and cheaper access to internet technology, a holistic policy may be devised with the collaboration of PTCL. Cheaper and in installments laptop computers may be provided to distance learners with the cooperation of various national and multi national companies. Besides, the provision of computer paraphernalia, training aspect may be focused on priority basis so that optimum benefits may be attained from these technological gadgets. Latest softwares may be used to facilitate distance learners. Tutors and distance learners should use internet and latest software continuously to improve teaching learning process in distance education system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Distance learners Attitude Technological innovations