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Enhanced Superframe Structure of the IEEE802.15.4 Standard for Real-time Data Transmission in Star Network

by Khalid El Gholami, Kun-mean Hou, Najib Elkamoun
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Khalid El Gholami, Kun-mean Hou, Najib Elkamoun

Khalid El Gholami, Kun-mean Hou, Najib Elkamoun . Enhanced Superframe Structure of the IEEE802.15.4 Standard for Real-time Data Transmission in Star Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 15 ( August 2012), 26-32. DOI=10.5120/8119-1745

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%A Kun-mean Hou
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The IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard is one of the main communication protocols proposed for wireless sensor networks, IoT 'Internet of Things' and WoT 'Web of Things'. This protocol provides a flexible MAC layer designed to meet a variety of applications. Since WSN is application-specific, it's very difficult to provide a generic solution for all types of applications and topologies. In this work we focus on delay sensitive applications in star networks. This topology is used in wireless sensor networks for monitoring and control applications. The IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard provides some quality of service features for real-time data transmission. We identified some limitations of this standard and we proposed an improvement to provide a lower end-to-end delay with respect to energy consumption constraint by optimizing MAC layer. The experimentations are done using the NS-2 simulator. The results show the improvements expected by our approach among the IEEE 802. 15. 4 MAC standard.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IEEE 802. 15. 4 WSN Superframe star topology delay Duty cycle GTS