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A Generic Non-linear Method for Fisheye Correction

by Pranali Dhane, Krishnan Kutty, Sachin Bangadkar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Pranali Dhane, Krishnan Kutty, Sachin Bangadkar

Pranali Dhane, Krishnan Kutty, Sachin Bangadkar . A Generic Non-linear Method for Fisheye Correction. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 10 ( August 2012), 58-65. DOI=10.5120/8082-1483

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title = { A Generic Non-linear Method for Fisheye Correction },
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%A Sachin Bangadkar
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With rapid advances in the field of vision based systems and ever increasing applications that they foster to; it brings along many challenges both in terms of algorithm design and associated hardware. One such widely used gadget is the fisheye camera that is used in myriad of applications in various fields owing to their wide Field of View. However, these lenses introduce distortions when any real-world object gets mapped on to the image plane. The amount of distortion in fish eye images increases while moving radially outward from the image centre. Therefore, the amount of correction to be applied should also vary accordingly based on the pixel location. This paper presents a fast and real-time implementable technique for fisheye correction. The proposed method uses non-linear radial stretching and scaling down of pixels thereafter; both in X and Y dimensions for correction. For real-time implementation of the proposed algorithm, we propose the use of inverse mapping matrix. This enables transformation of computationally extensive equations used for correction into a simple look-up table that can easily be implemented on a FPGA platform.

  1. F. Devernay and O. Faugeras, "Straight lines have to be straight: automatic calibration and removal of distortion from scenes of structured enviroments". Springer-Verlag Journal of Machine Vision and Applications, 13(1):14–24, 2001
  2. J. Jedli?ka, M. Pot??ková, Correction Of Radial Distortion In Digital Images, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science.
  3. Rickard Strand and Eric Hayman, Correcting Radial Distortion by Circle Fitting, Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory (CVAP ) School of Computer Science and Communication Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
  4. Michal Kedzierski, Anna Fryskowska, Precise Method Of Fisheye Lens Calibration, Dept. of Remote Sensing and Geoinformation, Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego 2, Str. 00-908 Warsaw, Poland.
  5. C. Brauer-Burchardt, K. Voss , A new algorithm to correct fish-eye- and strong wide-angle-lens-distortion from single images, Image Processing, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 International Conference on In Image Processing, 2001. , Vol. 1 (2001), pp. 225-228
  6. Ciar´an Hughes, Martin Glavin, Edward Jones and Patrick Denny, Review of Geometric Distortion Compensation in Fish-Eye Cameras, ISSC 2008, Galway, June 18–19
  7. Generating Panoramic Views by Stitching Multiple Fisheye Images, Altera, White Paper
  8. A Flexible Architecture for Fisheye Correction in Automotive Rear-View Cameras, Altera, White Paper http://www. altera. com/literature/wp/wp-01073-flexible-architecture-fisheye-correction-automotive-rear-view-cameras. pdf
  9. Fisheye lens: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fisheye_lens
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fisheye Distortion Field of View (FOV) radial correction mapping matrix