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Structural Clustering Multimedia Documents: An Approach based on Semantic Sub-graph Isomorphism

by Ali Idarrou, Driss Mammass
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 51 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ali Idarrou, Driss Mammass

Ali Idarrou, Driss Mammass . Structural Clustering Multimedia Documents: An Approach based on Semantic Sub-graph Isomorphism. International Journal of Computer Applications. 51, 1 ( August 2012), 14-21. DOI=10.5120/8005-1343

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title = { Structural Clustering Multimedia Documents: An Approach based on Semantic Sub-graph Isomorphism },
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%T Structural Clustering Multimedia Documents: An Approach based on Semantic Sub-graph Isomorphism
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The works that used graphs to represent documents has referred to the richness of these expressive tools. However, the exploited graph theory could be of great interest concerning the evaluation of similarity between these documents, both in documentary classification and the information retrieval. In structural classification of the documents, object of this work, the similarity measure is a crucial step. In many applications, this step results in a sub-graph isomorphism problem. This problem is known in graph theory by a combinatorial explosion. To get around this problem, we propose to consider a graph as a set of paths that compose it. The matching, paths allows reducing the combinatorial cost. We propose a structural measure based on the sub-graph isomorphism and we discuss the quality of our classifier, especially the separation of classes. We'd like to show that our measure is structural, not a "surface measure" and evaluate our approach on a corpus of multimedia documents extracted, randomly, from the INEX 2007 corpus.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


multimedia document clustering sub-graph isomorphism structural similarity