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Direct Numerical Simulations of Reaction Fronts Propagation under Quasi-Periodic Gravitational Modulation

by Karam Allali, Kamal El Karouni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 50 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Karam Allali, Kamal El Karouni

Karam Allali, Kamal El Karouni . Direct Numerical Simulations of Reaction Fronts Propagation under Quasi-Periodic Gravitational Modulation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 50, 6 ( July 2012), 32-36. DOI=10.5120/7778-0863

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The aim of this paper is to study the influence of quasi-periodic gravitational modulation on convective instability of reaction fronts in porous media. The model contains reaction diffusion equations coupled with the hydrodynamic equations under the Darcy-Boussinesq approximation. The direct numerical simulation of the dimensionless problem is fulfilled using the alternative direction method and the fast Fourier transform method. The convective instability boundary is found depending on the Lewis number and the amplitude of vibration.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Direct numerical simulation quasi-vibration porous medium reaction front