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FUNGID: A Web-based Identification Program for Phytophthora

by Ali Chenari Bouket, Mahdi Arzanlou, Asad Babai-ahari, Amin Khodabande
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 50 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ali Chenari Bouket, Mahdi Arzanlou, Asad Babai-ahari, Amin Khodabande

Ali Chenari Bouket, Mahdi Arzanlou, Asad Babai-ahari, Amin Khodabande . FUNGID: A Web-based Identification Program for Phytophthora. International Journal of Computer Applications. 50, 2 ( July 2012), 10-18. DOI=10.5120/7741-0793

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%A Asad Babai-ahari
%A Amin Khodabande
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The genus Phytophthora encompasses economically important plant pathogens. To date, up to 90 species have been described in this genus. There is no comprehensive key available for the identification of the all described Phytophthora species. This paper, describes a web-based identification tool (which has been described by the authors under the name of Fungid) that uses morphologic features. The characters used are the same as the synoptic keys of Gerrettson-Cornell (1994) and Ho (1981) [1, 2]. For the isolate in question, the software compares the unknown isolate with more than 40 known species submitted in the database. One or more than one species is suggested to the user by the software. For some of the species, additional data such as images of the species, links to other databases like that Q-bank, Index fungorum is presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Database Morphologic features Fungid Web-based software