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Reseach Article

A New Dynamic Programming Approach for Scan Conversion of a Circle

by Sushil Chandra Dimri, Sushil Kumar Chamoli, Anuj Dimri
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 50 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sushil Chandra Dimri, Sushil Kumar Chamoli, Anuj Dimri

Sushil Chandra Dimri, Sushil Kumar Chamoli, Anuj Dimri . A New Dynamic Programming Approach for Scan Conversion of a Circle. International Journal of Computer Applications. 50, 17 ( July 2012), 7-10. DOI=10.5120/7861-0964

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%A Sushil Kumar Chamoli
%A Anuj Dimri
%T A New Dynamic Programming Approach for Scan Conversion of a Circle
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Generally curve may be generated as a sequence of many small lines; some curves like circle, parabola, ellipse, in particular can be generated with help of D. D. A. algorithm and other special algorithms. There are two main recursive algorithms for scan conversion of the circle on computer screen, the Bresenhams and the Midpoint circle generating algorithm both are pixel based; in this paper we are presenting a recursive new approach for scan conversion of the circle. The pixel in one octant has been determined with help of this algorithm and rest of the parts of the circle will be generated with help of symmetry.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Scan conversion decision parameter real theoretical point mid point algorithm