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Enhancement of Power Quality by using Unified Power Quality Conditioner with PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller

by Dr.Subhransu Sekhar Dash, R V D Rama Rao
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dr.Subhransu Sekhar Dash, R V D Rama Rao

Dr.Subhransu Sekhar Dash, R V D Rama Rao . Enhancement of Power Quality by using Unified Power Quality Conditioner with PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller. International Journal of Computer Applications. 5, 7 ( August 2010), 21-27. DOI=10.5120/925-1303

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In this paper unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is being used as a universal active power conditioning device to mitigate both current as well as voltage harmonics at a distribution end of power system network. The performance of UPQC mainly depends upon how quickly and accurately compensation signals are derived. The steady state and dynamic operation of control circuit in different load current and/or utility voltages conditions is studied through simulation results. The presented method has acceptable dynamic response with a very simple configuration of control circuit. This paper presents performance validation of Current Source Inverter (CSI)-based UPQC using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) and Results are compared with conventional PID Controller and improvements are observed by FLC. The FLC-based compensation scheme eliminates voltage and current magnitude of harmonics with good dynamic response. Extensive simulation results using Matlab/Simulink for RL load connected through an uncontrolled bridge rectifier validates the performance of FLC compensator.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


active power filter Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) current source inverter (CSI) harmonics power quality unified power quality conditioner