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Trajectory based Recovery of Index Finger Articulated Pose during Palmar Grasp

by Avik Chatterjee, A. Mahapatra, S. Majumder, I. Basak
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 49 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Avik Chatterjee, A. Mahapatra, S. Majumder, I. Basak

Avik Chatterjee, A. Mahapatra, S. Majumder, I. Basak . Trajectory based Recovery of Index Finger Articulated Pose during Palmar Grasp. International Journal of Computer Applications. 49, 14 ( July 2012), 6-12. DOI=10.5120/7693-1021

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title = { Trajectory based Recovery of Index Finger Articulated Pose during Palmar Grasp },
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issue_date = { July 2012 },
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%A A. Mahapatra
%A S. Majumder
%A I. Basak
%T Trajectory based Recovery of Index Finger Articulated Pose during Palmar Grasp
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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This paper describes our experimental and analytical study of recovering index finger pose from tip trajectory during palmar grasp. Our study experimentally evaluates a kinematical model that can be used to reduce the number of surface markers in each finger for motion estimation and its segmental kinematics. We captured the trajectory of the index finger tip and joint angles in typical fist closing mode (palmar grasp), based on the concept of planar homology in projective space and then investigated the inverse kinematics solutions for the correlation. Jacobian based Damped Least Square (DLS) with variable damping parameter ? has been implemented. The DLS method, though iterative, shows reasonably fast convergence with in 3-10 iterations in feed forward mode and has better concurrence with the experimental values in recovery of articulated pose.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Index Finger Damped Least Square (DLS) Jacobian Planar Homology Inverse Kinematics