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Removal of Blocking Artifacts using Various Filtering Techniques

by Parmjeet Kaur, Poonam Sethi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 48 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Parmjeet Kaur, Poonam Sethi

Parmjeet Kaur, Poonam Sethi . Removal of Blocking Artifacts using Various Filtering Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 48, 24 ( June 2012), 11-18. DOI=10.5120/7527-0470

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Imageprocessing is the method for processing various kinds of images, processed images can be stored conveniently and transmission of such kind of images from one place to another place becomes easy to the user. By using image compression method we are able to represent the image with lesser number of bits. By using image compressiontechnique we canreducethe bandwidth and the volume of the data to be transmitted. Different types ofimages can be processed and we can reduce blocking artifacts up to acceptable level. Some standard techniques MPEG and JPEG are used in image processing field. Some other types of images like GIF, JPG and PNG are used. Lossless compression is used for medical image compression because whole information is necessary for analysis, even a single bit loss is not bearable. Lossy image compression technique is used in photographic images because loss of bits is bearable. When we compress any kind of image by lossy type of image compression technique then there will be loss of bits, and when we want to recover such kind of image then we face problem of blurring of images, which is sometimes called as the annoying problem of blocking artifacts. To recover original image back we can use decompressionfollowedbythe different filtering methods. We can compare these filtering techniques on the basis of the MATLAB simulation results. Various Parameters can be compared like PSNR,MSE and BER.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Dct Spatialfiltering hybrid Filtering Jpeg Blockingartifacts mse Ber Psnr