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CMR-FD: Clustered Multipath Routing with False Destination to increase the Lifetime of Sensor Network

by S. Manju Priya, S. Karthikeyan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 48 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: S. Manju Priya, S. Karthikeyan

S. Manju Priya, S. Karthikeyan . CMR-FD: Clustered Multipath Routing with False Destination to increase the Lifetime of Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 48, 10 ( June 2012), 11-16. DOI=10.5120/7383-9902

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Routing in wireless sensor network is an important task. This has led to number of routing protocol which utilizes the limited resources. Since wireless sensors are powered by batteries, it is very essential to utilize their energy. Under these constraints many methods for conserving the power have been proposed to increase battery life. In this paper we propose a novel way by using clustered multipath routing with false destination (CMR-FD) to increase the lifetime of sensor nodes. It uses multiple paths between source and the destination which is intended to provide a consistent transmission with low energy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Sensor Nodes Energy Lifetime Multipath