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Distributing Graphic Rendering using Grid Computing with Load Balancing

by El-sayed M. T. El-kenawy, Ali Ibraheem El-desoky, Mohamed F. Al-rahamawy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: El-sayed M. T. El-kenawy, Ali Ibraheem El-desoky, Mohamed F. Al-rahamawy

El-sayed M. T. El-kenawy, Ali Ibraheem El-desoky, Mohamed F. Al-rahamawy . Distributing Graphic Rendering using Grid Computing with Load Balancing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 9 ( June 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/7213-0001

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%A El-sayed M. T. El-kenawy
%A Ali Ibraheem El-desoky
%A Mohamed F. Al-rahamawy
%T Distributing Graphic Rendering using Grid Computing with Load Balancing
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Graphic rendering is expensive in terms of computation. We investigate distributing it by applying the powerful computing technique called grid computing, and showing how this technology has a great effectiveness and high performance. The paper shows how to develop a java drawing framework for drawing in the distributed environment by dividing the work upon nodes in grid computing and selecting the best nodes for job assignments to have the jobs executed in the least amount of time. Schedulers are limited in individual capability, but when deployed in large numbers can represent a strong force similar to a colony of ants or swarm of bees. The paper also presents a mechanism for load balancing based on swarm intelligence such as Ant colony optimization and Particle swarm Optimization.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Rendering Grid Computing Swarm Intelligence Ant Colony Optimization Particle Swarm Optimization