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Energy Efficient Congestion Retrieval Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks

by B. Santhana Krishnan, M. Ramaswamy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: B. Santhana Krishnan, M. Ramaswamy

B. Santhana Krishnan, M. Ramaswamy . Energy Efficient Congestion Retrieval Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 8 ( June 2012), 22-27. DOI=10.5120/7209-9996

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Recent advances in Wireless technology ensemble a balanced flow of data load between the sensor nodes and thereby attempt to distribute the energy dissipated throughout the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The philosophy orients to create a multipath routing scheme and usher in a new era of undeterred communication between users. It foresees to annihilate the inherent limited energy resource crunch through a prudent operation of the self organized network and ensure an effective data transfer mechanism. The paper strives to develop a cluster based routing strategy with a view to effectively handle the traffic among the chosen paths and thereby endure to reduce congestion. The algorithm evaluated through NS-2 simulation focuses to highlight its ability to accomplish energy efficiency and thereby increase the life time of the network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network Congestion Caodv Load Balancing Network Life Time