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Threshold based Adaptive Power-Law Applications in Image Enhancement

by T. Romen Singh, Sudipta Roy, Kh. Manglem Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: T. Romen Singh, Sudipta Roy, Kh. Manglem Singh

T. Romen Singh, Sudipta Roy, Kh. Manglem Singh . Threshold based Adaptive Power-Law Applications in Image Enhancement. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 7 ( June 2012), 32-40. DOI=10.5120/7202-9983

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This paper presents a spatial domain threshold based adaptive power-law applications (TAPLA) in image enhancement technique in which adaptation is carried out with local thresholds. This is an improved version of Adaptive Power-law Transformations (APLT) [14] in which adaptation is carried out with local means. The computational time of APLT is window-size dependent to find local mean while the TAPLA is independent of window-size to find local means, which are used to determine the local threshold values. Window-size independent of computational time is due to use of integral average image as prior process to find local mean. Like APLT, TAPLA can control the enhancement factors such as contrast, brightness and sharpness/smoothness with a proper choice of parameters through a single function. This method can be applied on both the grey scale and color images. In the case of color images, each channel is considered separately. TAPLA outperforms better than APLT in image quality as well as in computational time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adaptive Power-law Image Enhancement Contrast Transformations Image Sharpening Artifact Integral Average Image