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Performance Analysis of Parallel Speedup Techniques for Shortest Path Queries in Networks of Random and Planar Types

by R.kalpana, P.thambidurai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: R.kalpana, P.thambidurai

R.kalpana, P.thambidurai . Performance Analysis of Parallel Speedup Techniques for Shortest Path Queries in Networks of Random and Planar Types. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 24 ( June 2012), 29-35. DOI=10.5120/7506-0618

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The essential elements of any network application system uses shortest?path algorithm mostly for problems of network namely routing, viz. When seen in the light of the basic requirement of such a system, to provide high quality path identification or routing solutions fast, algorithms have to be efficient. There are many speedup techniques and combined speedup techniques available which find shortest path efficiently in networks. Also parallelization is incorporated in some of the speedup techniques, where the performance is monitored in multicore processors. This paper deals with comparison of parallelized speedup techniques with sequential version of the same and finding performance improvement achieved in parallelized speedup techniques with respect to runtime and number of vertices visited during shortest path computation. The techniques were tested in random and planar types of graph networks, which may be suitable for networks of the same type. Performance of parallelization has good impact of speedup in random graph type of networks(45% to 90% with respect to runtime and 25% to 830% with respect to vertices visited) than planar graph type of networks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Dijkstra's Algorithm Shortest Path Computation Speedup Techniques Parallel Speedup.