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Low-Complexity and High-Quality Image Compression Algorithm for Onboard Satellite

by Sujata Swamy, Mamatha A.s, Vipula Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sujata Swamy, Mamatha A.s, Vipula Singh

Sujata Swamy, Mamatha A.s, Vipula Singh . Low-Complexity and High-Quality Image Compression Algorithm for Onboard Satellite. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 17 ( June 2012), 24-31. DOI=10.5120/7282-0395

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%A Vipula Singh
%T Low-Complexity and High-Quality Image Compression Algorithm for Onboard Satellite
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Image Compression reduces redundancy in data representation in order to achieve saving in the cost of storage and transmission. Image compression compensates for the limited on-board resources, in terms of mass memory and downlink bandwidth and thus it provides a solution to the "bandwidth vs. data volume" dilemma of modern spacecraft. Thus compression is very important feature in payload image processing units of many satellites. A low complexity and high efficiency near-lossless image compression algorithm is suggested in this paper. The algorithm provides the average compression ratio of 1. 403 with high image quality for lossless compression. Compression ratio increases as ? parameter increases. Using proposed algorithm compression ratio of 4. 208 is achieved for near-lossless compression. The proposed algorithm has low memory cost suitable for hardware implementation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Satellite Image Compression Near Lossless Image Compression Context Modeling And Predictive Coding Pre-processing