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Software Developer Selection: A Holistic Approach for an Eclectic Decision

by Santanu Kr. Misra, Amitava Ray
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 47 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Santanu Kr. Misra, Amitava Ray

Santanu Kr. Misra, Amitava Ray . Software Developer Selection: A Holistic Approach for an Eclectic Decision. International Journal of Computer Applications. 47, 1 ( June 2012), 12-18. DOI=10.5120/7151-9855

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The problem for optimal team formation is an important issue for many software organizations especially for small and medium size organization because of the experience of employee, constraints and skill requirements for a particular project are neither is supported by database system nor it is possible for small and medium scale organization due to bit complex issue for them . More over success or failure of software product is mostly depends on the development team. Mostly people uses their managerial experience to form software development team, but always it cannot meet the optimal decision specially when time and cost are the main constraints and of employee pool is having mixed kind of expertise. For that scenario in this paper our aim was to develop a selection model combining analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and Bayesian network for choosing the efficient developers. Additionally, that it is also defining the optimum order among developers based on their capability and also quantities among selected developers based on sensitivity values. The proposed model is based on expert's judgments and the human error is inevitable. Therefore, the robust design of quality developer selection is to be investigated.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Developer Selection Analytic Hierarchy Process Bayesian Network Model Scoring Model Sensitivity Values