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Abandonment Factors Affecting e-Commerce Transactions in Nigeria

by Oguntunde Toyin, Oyeyipo Temitope Damilola
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Oguntunde Toyin, Oyeyipo Temitope Damilola

Oguntunde Toyin, Oyeyipo Temitope Damilola . Abandonment Factors Affecting e-Commerce Transactions in Nigeria. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 23 ( May 2012), 41-47. DOI=10.5120/7109-9833

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The goal of this paper is to determine the Abandonment Factors affecting e-commerce transactions in Nigeria. This research work is deemed paramount so that online shop owners and developers, online payment facilitators and especially the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria can be aware of the problems or challenges online transactions participants face and so lasting solution(s) could be devised to solve the problems for its importance in economic growth. For decades, developed countries like Britain, U. S. A and Brazil have been using various e-Commerce tools to conduct various types of business transactions, Folorunso et al (2006) and so Nigeria as a developing nation should not be an exception. An extensive review of work by scholars who have worked in areas relevant to this study was done, questionnaires were administered to the selected places in the six geo-political zones of Nigeria, the responses of the respondents were analyzed using correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis upon which conclusions were drawn.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Abandonment Factors E-commerce Nigeria.