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A New Approach to Multi Agent Based Architecture for Secure and Effective E-learning

by Sadaf Ahmad, Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sadaf Ahmad, Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari

Sadaf Ahmad, Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari . A New Approach to Multi Agent Based Architecture for Secure and Effective E-learning. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 22 ( May 2012), 26-29. DOI=10.5120/7098-9826

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Multi-agent system is one of the emerging trends in computer science. It can provide new solutions to very complex and restrictive system. The application of multi-agent systems is spreading in almost every field though e-learning is also not left untouched. E-learning has provided us with the capability of providing quality education to masses without restricting them to specific time or place. We have lots of different existing systems, but most of them are lacking all the features like personalization, intelligence, accessibility and security in one single system. Here in this paper we have proposed a new architecture for Multi agent based system for e-learning environment wherein in addition to these basic feature, the focus is interactivity and ease of use. This architecture takes the personalized status of the student into consideration and accordingly provides interactive and effective teaching and learning process.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-learning Agent Multi-agent System Jade Interactivity