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Mining articulate association rules from closed item sets: A Counter Support Measurement approach

by Anurag Choubey, Ravindra Patel, J.l. Rana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Anurag Choubey, Ravindra Patel, J.l. Rana

Anurag Choubey, Ravindra Patel, J.l. Rana . Mining articulate association rules from closed item sets: A Counter Support Measurement approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 19 ( May 2012), 25-31. DOI=10.5120/7051-9715

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In the previous works it has been observed that a frequent item set mining algorithm are supposed to mine the closed ones as the finish results in a compact and a complete progress set and enhanced potency. However, the latest closed item set mining algorithms works with both candidate maintenance and check paradigm hand in hand, which proves to be friendlier in runtime, as in case of area usage when support threshold is a reduced entity or the item sets gets long. In this paper, we have shown, CEG&REP with CSM (Counter Support Measurement) that is supposed to be a more efficient approach which can be utilized for mining articulate association rules from closed sequences. This approach outfits a exclusive rule coherency checking format with CSM, further that is laid mostly on another approach termed as Sequence Graph protruding which is termed as "Concurrent Edge Prevision and Rear Edge Pruning", hereby referred as CEG&REP. Moreover, we have pronounced a novel CSM methodology to crop rules which in turn seems to formulate articulate rules. The performance of CEG&REP with CSM (Counter Support Measurement) is tested on a whole observation having scrubby and dense real-life information, the tests have shown that approach of CEG&REP performs in a more efficient manner as compared to the previous versions as the CEG&REP approach takes less memory space and is swifter than the algorithms which were used in past works.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Counter Support Measurement Csm Concurrent Edge Prevision And Rear Edge Pruning Ceg&rep Gazelle