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Model based Testing for Software Systems: An Application of Markov Modulated Markov Process

by Abhinav Kashyap, Thomas Holzer, Shahryar Sarkani, Tim Eveleigh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Abhinav Kashyap, Thomas Holzer, Shahryar Sarkani, Tim Eveleigh

Abhinav Kashyap, Thomas Holzer, Shahryar Sarkani, Tim Eveleigh . Model based Testing for Software Systems: An Application of Markov Modulated Markov Process. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 14 ( May 2012), 13-20. DOI=10.5120/6976-9491

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Software systems require the validation of design features through regression testing. Two primary challenges in system validation are ensuring that test suites reflect actual system usage, and managing the test suite size to keep testing costs low while keeping testing results meaningful. To create a test environment that is close to actual system usage, we propose using Markov chains to create system behavioral models from available system usage data. Knowing that certain factors are not captured in system usage, we will use the Markov Modulated Markov Process to model hidden processes. The models are used to create test plans that employ a unique, likelihood-based, test prioritization scheme. The proposed methodology not only provides a stochastic modeling framework for software systems, but also considerably improves the coverage factor of generated test suites. This paper also presents a real-world web application case study to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed system validation methodology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


System Validation State Transition Diagram Model-based Testing Markov Chains