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Reseach Article

Quality Evaluation of Object Oriented Visual Models in Unified Software Development Process

by Meena Sharma, Rajeev G Vishwakarma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Meena Sharma, Rajeev G Vishwakarma

Meena Sharma, Rajeev G Vishwakarma . Quality Evaluation of Object Oriented Visual Models in Unified Software Development Process. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 13 ( May 2012), 18-24. DOI=10.5120/6970-9455

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In object oriented paradigm the analysis and design activities are performed to produce models like analysis model, use case model and design model. These models are developed using Unified Modeling Language abbreviated as UML. Visual modeling using UML is the part of unified software development process. The wholeness or fullness of documenting requirement engineering models like use case model, result in a better quality software product. If we miss anything or commit any mistake in use case model it may propagate to analysis phase. Further there are chances that the same bug is propagated to design, testing and so on until deployment. The cost of removing bugs in testing is very costlier than that of its removal in the starting phase or model. It is therefore very necessary to verify what model we are developing and after the model making process is verified it is necessary to validate the model; that is to declare that the model we have made is correct. In this paper we have investigated the verification of the process of modeling in object oriented paradigm and the validation of the models. This workout makes certain that we are working on the precise models to yield correct product from quality point of view.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Verification Validation Uml Diagrams Class Diagram Use Case Diagrams Activity Diagrams