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Reseach Article

Building Domain Specific Enterprise Applications using Model Driven Development

by Clarence J M Tauro, N Ganesan, Vijay Gopal.m, Rinu Thomas
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 46 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Clarence J M Tauro, N Ganesan, Vijay Gopal.m, Rinu Thomas

Clarence J M Tauro, N Ganesan, Vijay Gopal.m, Rinu Thomas . Building Domain Specific Enterprise Applications using Model Driven Development. International Journal of Computer Applications. 46, 1 ( May 2012), 41-44. DOI=10.5120/6876-8990

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In this paper we explain an approach on how to develop domain specific applications using model driven development. Model Driven Development in its core, uses the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) principles defined by OMG (Object Management Group) and its primary artifact for development is model. MDA principles dictate that the domain specific model be built on specifications and standards [1]. On the other hand Domain Driven Design principles addresses the domain problem in a well defined manner that when captured as requirement and developed as a system results in a cohesive system that addresses the business problem [2]. Our discussion previews the Domain Driven Design principles for developing a domain specific application, limitations of traditional software development and highlights the advantages of Model Driven Development and an example explaining the discussed principles.

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  6. Gholami, M. F. ; Ramsin, R. ; , "Strategies for Improving MDA-Based Development Processes," Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS), 2010 International Conference on , vol. , no. , pp. 152-157, 27-29 Jan. 2010 doi:10. 1109/ISMS. 2010. 38
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Model Driven Development Mdd Domain Driven Design Cqs Uml