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The Design of Analog Active Filter with Different Component Value using Genetic Algorithm

by Turgay Kaya, Melih Cevdet Ince
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Turgay Kaya, Melih Cevdet Ince

Turgay Kaya, Melih Cevdet Ince . The Design of Analog Active Filter with Different Component Value using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 8 ( May 2012), 43-47. DOI=10.5120/6804-9142

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title = { The Design of Analog Active Filter with Different Component Value using Genetic Algorithm },
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%T The Design of Analog Active Filter with Different Component Value using Genetic Algorithm
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The basic purpose in active filters design is to calculate of filter transfer function providing desired features and is to find component values. By using of classical calculation methods in active filters component values calculations cause over time and process load and a different design with found same component value cannot be done. In this study, the reaching of analog active filter amplitude response that provides desired features with different component value that is found by helping of Genetic Algorithm (GA) is provided. With this work, the circuit design by using of different component values at different stages was enabled. In this way, unlike the studies at literature, the same selection imperative of component values have been eliminated to provide easy calculation and this offers easier circuit design possibility for users. In addition; with helping of implemented study, the increasing process load depending on filter degree is eliminated. To reach desired filter characteristic, obtained amplitude response from the used approach methods and desired amplitude response were compared and satisfactory results were observed

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Genetic Algorithms Analog Circuit Design Active Filter