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Object-oriented Design for Wireless Sensor Network assisted Global Patient Care Monitoring System

by Rajeev Ranjan, Shirshu Varma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Rajeev Ranjan, Shirshu Varma

Rajeev Ranjan, Shirshu Varma . Object-oriented Design for Wireless Sensor Network assisted Global Patient Care Monitoring System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 3 ( May 2012), 8-15. DOI=10.5120/6758-9018

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Health care monitoring system can be characterized as the combination of communication technology and biometric sensor nodes. Patients' care monitoring is a part of telemedicine monitoring, in which HTTP (Hypertext Transfer protocol) is used to access information from devices which have the internet connection. In this paper, we present a design of an object oriented database system for server and client side to monitor patients' applications data. It provides a novel approach of having ipv6 low power wireless personal area network (6lowpan) and internet based connectivity between patients and doctors. In this paper patients' data is extracted from the sensor network and is given to a web based system, however the focus of the doctor is still on the senor networks only.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Object Oriented Database Wireless Sensor Networks Health Monitoring System