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A Review on Implementation and Working of Software Defined Radio in Critical Communication Set Up for Ad Hoc Networks

by Tanu Preet Singh, Vishal Sharma, Harpuneet Kaur, R.k. Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Tanu Preet Singh, Vishal Sharma, Harpuneet Kaur, R.k. Singh

Tanu Preet Singh, Vishal Sharma, Harpuneet Kaur, R.k. Singh . A Review on Implementation and Working of Software Defined Radio in Critical Communication Set Up for Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 24 ( May 2012), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/7110-9200

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Telecommunication systems, with the support of digital technology had proven their efficiency in the world market. Digital processors had given rise to a new invention called Software Defined Radio which allows dynamic programming of the radio equipment i. e. A flexible architecture whose behavior is dependent on the software behind it and not only on its hardware. It reflects the convergence of two dynamic technologies: Digital radio and Real-time downloadable software. Runtime download also give rise to some security issues such as unauthorized modification of the software, customizing the software and misusing it, resulting in radio malfunction. In this paper the origin of the SDR technology along with its basic principle of operation, download mechanisms and the supporting technologies has been discussed. The comparison between the traditional architecture and new secure architecture has been illustrated. The new architecture has proven to be more secure and robust in the vulnerable conditions. SDR can therefore be implemented in many general purposes and embedded applications

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Rf Front End Ota Download Gnu Radio Radio Operation Environment (roe) radio Application(ra) Quality Of Service (qos) Service Provider Application(spa) User Application(ua) User Application Environment(uae) Virtual Hardware V-hw Secure Radio Middleware(srm)