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Analyzing and Measuring Human Joints Movements using a Computer Vision System

by Ahmad Sedkyadly, M. B. Abdelhalim, Amrbadr
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ahmad Sedkyadly, M. B. Abdelhalim, Amrbadr

Ahmad Sedkyadly, M. B. Abdelhalim, Amrbadr . Analyzing and Measuring Human Joints Movements using a Computer Vision System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 20 ( May 2012), 21-29. DOI=10.5120/7033-9686

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Range and patterns of movement estimation is a crucial concern for clinicians in the diagnostic and functional assessment of patients with musculoskeletal disorder. To obtain a record of the degree of permanent impairment of an individual, Range-Of-Motion (ROM) measures are used. Currently, clinicians use all or any of numerous assessment instruments, a universal goniometer, an inclinometer or a tape measure to make these estimations. However, such tools appear to have major drawbacks in measuring ROM. Markerless vision-based human motion analysis can provide an inexpensive, non-obtrusive solution for range of joint motion measurement. This paper outlines the problem of measuring human joints movements using a computer vision system that supports the physiotherapist as a diagnosis tool to aid rehabilitation of joint movement disorders and its treatment plan.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Motion Analysis Range Of Motion Joint Motion Joint Movement Disorders Computer Vision