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Handoff Latency Minimization by using Access Point by GPS using Selective scanning

by Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit

Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit . Handoff Latency Minimization by using Access Point by GPS using Selective scanning. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 19 ( May 2012), 13-19. DOI=10.5120/7024-9660

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title = { Handoff Latency Minimization by using Access Point by GPS using Selective scanning },
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%A Debabrata Sarddar
%A Dipsikha Ganguly
%A Soumya Das
%A Suman Kumar Sikdar
%A Sougata Chakraborty
%A Kunal Hui
%A Shabnam Bandyopadhyay
%A Kalyan Kumar Das
%A Sujoy Palit
%T Handoff Latency Minimization by using Access Point by GPS using Selective scanning
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Due to rapid growth in IEEE 802. 11 based Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), handoff has become a burning issue. A mobile node (MN) requires handoff when it travels out of the coverage area of its current access point (AP) and tries to associate with another AP. But handoff delays provide a serious barrier for such services to be made available to mobile platforms. Different works have been done to reduce the handoff delay. In this paper, we have also a proposed a method to reduce handoff latency for IEEE 802. 11 wireless networks with map based on GPS. IEEE 802. 11 uses 11 possible channels of 14 of which only the channels 1, 6 and 11 do not mutually overlap. Using these channels and 8 others by selective scanning here we have reduced the handoff off delay and later the authentication as well as re-association delay.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Next Generation Wireless Systems (ngws) Handoff Bs (base Station) Mn (mobile Node) Rss (received Signal Strength) Ieee802. 11 Ci Ratio