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Cost Analysis of Mobile IP for the Repetitive IP Stations during a Short Period of Time

by Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit

Debabrata Sarddar, Dipsikha Ganguly, Soumya Das, Suman Kumar Sikdar, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das, Sujoy Palit . Cost Analysis of Mobile IP for the Repetitive IP Stations during a Short Period of Time. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 19 ( May 2012), 7-12. DOI=10.5120/7023-9629

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%A Dipsikha Ganguly
%A Soumya Das
%A Suman Kumar Sikdar
%A Sougata Chakraborty
%A Kunal Hui
%A Shabnam Bandyopadhyay
%A Kalyan Kumar Das
%A Sujoy Palit
%T Cost Analysis of Mobile IP for the Repetitive IP Stations during a Short Period of Time
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LEO satellites have important advantages such as low power requirements, low propagation delay and more efficient spectrum delay over MEO and GEO satellites. But, the handover management in LEO satellite becomes challenging for supporting global mobile communication. Here we propose cost analysis of a new method of introducing a location manager which will store the previous ip s depending on users choice and comparing the new ip address with the stored one and taking the decision whether to register or not. This method also reduces the binding updates and the packet loss during communication. It is the most useful process when the previous ip addresses are repeated for several times during a short span.

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  21. Debabrata Sarddar, Soumya Das, Dipsikha Ganguly, Suman Kumar Sikder, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das and Mrinal Kanti Naskar. Article: Reducing the Mobile IP Binding Updates and the Packet Loss for the Repetitive IP Stations during a Short Period of Time. International Journal of Computer Applications 42(2):27-32, March 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
  22. Debabrata Sarddar, Soumya Das, Dipsikha Ganguly, Suman Kumar Sikder, Sougata Chakraborty, Kunal Hui, Shabnam Bandyopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar Das and Mrinal Kanti Naskar. Article: A Time based Mobility Management Method for Leo Satellite Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications 42(2):33-40, March 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
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  24. Debabrata Sarddar, Soumya Das,Dipsikha Ganguly,Sougata Chakraborty, M. k. Naskar,A New Method for Controlling Mobility Management Cost of PatHO- LEO Satellite and Mobile IP Network (International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume37–No. 7,January2012 http://www. ijcaonline. org/archives/volume37/number7/4621-6630
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Low Earth Orbit (leo) Propagation Delay Location Manager Satellite Networks Binding Update