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Colorography: an Adaptive Approach to classify and detect the Breast Cancer using Image Processing

by Ganesh Choudhari, Debabrata Swain, Dipali Thakur, Kiran Somase
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ganesh Choudhari, Debabrata Swain, Dipali Thakur, Kiran Somase

Ganesh Choudhari, Debabrata Swain, Dipali Thakur, Kiran Somase . Colorography: an Adaptive Approach to classify and detect the Breast Cancer using Image Processing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 17 ( May 2012), 5-9. DOI=10.5120/6999-9416

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%A Debabrata Swain
%A Dipali Thakur
%A Kiran Somase
%T Colorography: an Adaptive Approach to classify and detect the Breast Cancer using Image Processing
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Nowadays we are finding that mammography technique is best available technique for breast cancer detection. Breast abnormalities are defined over wide range of features and it may happen that radiologist might be easily missed or misinterpreted it. The ability to improve diagnostic information from medical images can be enhanced by designing image processing algorithms that is why we proposed new algorithm to detect lesions in mammogram breast cancer images. In this paper we proposed an algorithm which is implemented on MATLAB. In developing the algorithm, we focused on color pixel intensity. This paper gives a survey of image processing algorithm and comparison among all of them. Lastly we compare all the results of different algorithm (results are taken as standard according to previous work by researchers on them) which are explained in this paper with our algorithm result.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Breast Cancer x-ray Mammography Image Processing Segmentation Colorography Tumor