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Comparison between H8 and CRONE Control combined with QFT Approach to Control Multivariable Systems in Path Tracking Design

by Najah Yousfi, Pierre Melchior, Chokri Rekik, Nabil Derbel, Alain Oustaloup
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Najah Yousfi, Pierre Melchior, Chokri Rekik, Nabil Derbel, Alain Oustaloup

Najah Yousfi, Pierre Melchior, Chokri Rekik, Nabil Derbel, Alain Oustaloup . Comparison between H8 and CRONE Control combined with QFT Approach to Control Multivariable Systems in Path Tracking Design. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 12 ( May 2012), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/6829-9192

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%A Chokri Rekik
%A Nabil Derbel
%A Alain Oustaloup
%T Comparison between H8 and CRONE Control combined with QFT Approach to Control Multivariable Systems in Path Tracking Design
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Motion control and robust path tracking were the subject of this paper. A method based on fractional prefilter which is extended to multivariable systems is developed. This approach is based on the MIMO-QFT robust synthesis methodology combined with CRONE control. This paper incorporates Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) principles to CRONE control design procedure to solve the Two-Degree-Of-Freedom (TDOF) with Highly Uncertain Plants. A comparison between H∞ and CRONE controllers has been done. After that, synthesis of fractional prefilters is given with optimization of its parameters using integral gap criterion. To assess the proposed design, a numerical example has been considered.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Path Tracking MIMO structures H∞ design CRONE control Robotics