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Comparison between the basic LSB replacement technique and Increased Capacity of Information Hiding in LSB’s Method for Images

by H. B. Kekre, Dhirendra Mishra, Rhea Khanna, Sakshi Khanna, Aadil Hussaini
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 45 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: H. B. Kekre, Dhirendra Mishra, Rhea Khanna, Sakshi Khanna, Aadil Hussaini

H. B. Kekre, Dhirendra Mishra, Rhea Khanna, Sakshi Khanna, Aadil Hussaini . Comparison between the basic LSB replacement technique and Increased Capacity of Information Hiding in LSB’s Method for Images. International Journal of Computer Applications. 45, 1 ( May 2012), 33-38. DOI=10.5120/6747-8941

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%A Rhea Khanna
%A Sakshi Khanna
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%T Comparison between the basic LSB replacement technique and Increased Capacity of Information Hiding in LSB’s Method for Images
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Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message. This paper presents a comparison between the basic LSB technique which involves replacement of least significant bits in order to hide the colored message image behind the colored cover image, with the other technique for increased capacity of hiding information using an advanced LSB methodology wherein the bit replacement takes place in accordance to range specified for the color images. There have been many techniques for hiding messages in images in such a manner that the alterations made to the images are perpetually indiscernible. This paper proves experimentally that the technique for increased capacity of information hiding in LSB's method gives better performance in all the parameters and is a safe technique for embedding secret messages.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Hiding Lsb Increased Capacity Steganography