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Performance Comparison of Simple Orthogonal Transforms and Wavelet Transforms for Image Steganography

by H. B. Kekre, Archana B. Patankar, Dipali Koshti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: H. B. Kekre, Archana B. Patankar, Dipali Koshti

H. B. Kekre, Archana B. Patankar, Dipali Koshti . Performance Comparison of Simple Orthogonal Transforms and Wavelet Transforms for Image Steganography. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 6 ( April 2012), 21-28. DOI=10.5120/6267-8422

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%A Dipali Koshti
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There are three major requirements for effective steganography: High embedding capacity, imperceptibility and robustness. It is very difficult to maximally satisfy all these requirements simultaneously. Transform domain techniques for steganography have been proved more robust against various attacks such as image filtering, noise, image cropping, compression etc. Using transform domain techniques it is possible to embed a secret message in different frequency bands of the cover. Embedding in the high frequency creates less impact on the perceivability of the media but provides low robustness to different attacks. In contrast, embedding in lower frequencies helps to withstand many attacks but creates perceptible impact on the media. The proposed image steganography scheme is based on transform domain. In the proposed system we have developed a steganography scheme using different wavelets that provide 56. 25% of the embedding capacity as well as robustness against the attacks such as image cropping, addition of noise and changing the brightness of the stego. The paper compares steganography schemes that hide secret information into simple orthogonal transforms such as DCT and Walsh domain against their wavelet versions namely DCT Wavelet and Walsh wavelet domain. Our experimental results show that using wavelet transforms for steganography achieve much better robustness than the normal orthogonal transforms.

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  8. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale, "Information Hiding using LSB Technique with Increased Capacity" International Journal of Cryptography and Security, Vol-I, No. 2, Oct-2008
  9. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale and Ms. Pallavi N. Halarnkar, "Polynomial Transformation To Improve Capacity Of Cover Image For Information Hiding In Multiple LSB's ",International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications (IJERIA), Ascent Publications, Volume II, March 2009, Pune.
  10. Faisal Alturki , Russell Mersereau, " Secure Blind Image Staganographic Technique using Discrete Fourier Transformation", Image Processing, 2001, Proceedings 2001 International Conference Volume : 2.
  11. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale and Ms. Pallavi N. Halarnkar, "Increased Capacity and High Security for Embedding Secret Message in Transform Domain using Discrete Cosine Transform", Accepted in Technopath.
  12. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale, Ms. Pallavi N. Halarnkar and Mr. Varun Banura, "Performance Comparison of DCT and Walsh Transform for Steganography", Accepted for ICWET
  13. Radomir S. Stankovi and Bogdan J. Falkowski, " The Haar Wavelet Transform : Its status and Achievements," Computer and Electrical Engineering, Volume 29 , Issue 1, January 2003, Pages 25-44
  14. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale and Ms. Dipali Sadavarti, "Algorithm to Generate Wavelet Transform from an Orthogonal Transform" , International Journal Of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (4): Issue (4) 444,2009
  15. Dr. H. B. Kekre , Ms. Archana Athawale and Ms. Dipali Sadavarti ," Algorithm to Generate Kekre's Wavelet Transform from Kekre's Transform", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(5), 2010, 756-767,2009.
  16. Dr. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Archana Athawale and Dipali Sadavarti,"A Novel Steganographic Scheme Using Discrete Sine Transform based upon energy distribution", International conference on contours of computing technology, Thinkquest-2010, held on 13th, 14th March, 2010, Mumbai.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Steganography Information Hiding Dct Wavelet Walsh Wavelet