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Generic Search Optimization for Heterogeneous Data Sources

by Majid Zaman, S. M. K. Quadri, Muheet Ahmed Butt
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 44 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Majid Zaman, S. M. K. Quadri, Muheet Ahmed Butt

Majid Zaman, S. M. K. Quadri, Muheet Ahmed Butt . Generic Search Optimization for Heterogeneous Data Sources. International Journal of Computer Applications. 44, 5 ( April 2012), 14-17. DOI=10.5120/6258-8404

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Data Retrieval is still a pervasive challenge faced in applications that need to query across multiple autonomous and heterogeneous data sources. There is decent amount of standardization as far as World-Wide Web is concerned, while google is universal access tool to search and determine source of the information user requires there is still no such tool that can be implemented at enterprise level where there are multitude of data sources and organization users are still facing difficulty in accessing data available on the intranet of the organization and not on the WWW, in order to access such data users within the organizations need to know a lot including location, access techniques etc while still data consistency & redundancy is beyond the scope of common organization user/s. This paper introduces GENERIC SEARCH PRINCPLE: Solution making use of Knowledge base where in users of the organization irrespective of their technical ability, data source knowledge and location can search heterogeneous data sources including legacy data sources of organization and retrieve information, also taking into consideration user attributes like his/her location, work profile, designation etc so as to make search more relevant and results more precise.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Expert System Data Sources Metadata Knowledge Base